Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is JOY? II

In the previous blog, I mentioned having a regular meditation practice which allows us to contact our spiritual being, which is our true reality . . . And then, through this spiritual reality, we can access the JOY which is an integral part of that reality . . . It will grow and grow, and over time we'll begin to notice that on a moment to moment basis, we're beginning to feel differently, but definitely in a good way!

At this point, we must say . . . The spiritual path is not for the faint of heart, because it isn't easy . . . We're pushed, pulled and dragged this way and that by life circumstances and let's face it, the messages society bombards us with aren't necessarily the best . . . and we also might experience our own inner enemy (you know . . . the one that creates all that negative, destructive self-talk some of us deal with) . . . No, it isn't an easy path, but it IS the path with the greatest benefits for those with the Warrior mentality, and who are willing to be disciplined and struggle and get up and get back on the path when we're pushed off it . . . And pushed off we WILL be at times . . . Resiliense is necessary!

Which brings us to the the crux of this message . . . Do we allow our JOY to be stolen by people, by events, or both? Life is a constant challenge, filled with constant choices . . . And our choices are so much about how we decide to meet the challenges . . .

It might be a great challenge to maintain our JOY, but it CAN be done . . . When we're faced with an event, or a person, that seems to suck the positive energy out of us, we can have a mindset which screams . . . THIS WILL NOT STEAL MY JOY!!! . . . Because, our JOY becomes the anchor which is one of the best manifestations of our spiritual core . . .

Once we're on the spiritual path, with a meditation practice, doing good things, being generous and grateful, we'll begin to feel our JOY, and become the JOY, and then it is our own responsibility to protect and nurture it . . . One of the best ways to do that is to regularly repeat the phrase, NOTHING CAN STEAL MY JOY!!, as a reminder to ourselves . . . Affirmations are tremendously powerful when said and felt at our core . . .


More on this later . . .

Until next time . . . Ciao!!

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