Friday, April 13, 2012

The Spiritual Path Comes with No Guarantees

It's been a few months since I've posted anything . . . Seriously, I've not even thought about blogging until last week, when the spark seemed to rekindle just a bit . . .  I knew what I wanted to write about, but was not at all certain how to say it . . .  That, however, was then . . .  And this is now . . . So, shall we begin?  

The title says it all . . .  I've been on a spiritual path for years, if not decades . . .  A few of my friends and family know, but mostly I keep it to myself . . .  I don't advertise . . . My feeling is that people who like to broadcast their spirituality are mostly ego-driven, and really not very spiritual at all . . .  This blog has been a great outlet for me off and on since 2009 . . .

Being on the spiritual path never guarantees that everything will be sweetness and light in one's life . . .  As a matter of fact, since December 2011, my life has been a roller coaster of events and emotions . . .  A lot of unpleasant shit has happened, which has been completely outside of my control . . .  However, what has made it bearable is the spiritual grounding I've developed over time . . .  I'm so thankful for having that to fall back on . . .  It gets me through . . .  The concept of the Spiritual Warrior has always appealed to me . . .  Not once have I thought, Why me?  As in, why is this shit happening to ME?  The more appropriate question would be, Why NOT me?  No one is immune from life's events, good or bad or neutral . . .  And then, all I can control is how I react . . .  There have been times when I've felt overwhelmed, and I have to admit that I've slipped a bit at times and reacted in ways I wish I hadn't . . .  But, that's just being human, isn't it . . .  But the grounding has never disappeared . . .  And for that I'm extremely grateful, because without it, where would I be?

So, that being said, all we can do is Warrior on, dealing with the good, the bad, and the neutral in the best ways we can . . .  Everyone on this planet has challenges from time to time, and some of our most valuable lessons come from those . . . So, even though it's been a challenging time, I'm grateful for whatever lessons I'm learning as a result . . .  And believe me, I HAVE learned a few!!  And we should never forget that everything eventually passes, the clouds clear away, and the sun always rises tomorrow . . .

Life is beautiful baby!

Peace and love . . .



veronica said...

I hope things have settled down for you. Wishing you well.

Snake said...

Thanks V . . . Perhaps my post came off sounding more negative than meant to be . . . In that same time frame, I had a great time in so many ways . . . I detached in a big way, but I DO believe in the aspect of feeling all the negative intensely, as that helps it pass more quickly . . . I embrace everything, including the Shadow, and pull no punches . . . For me, perhaps because of my karma, I'm out there to spread a message . . . And that message is, everything in life has a lesson attached, and I LOVE that!! Thank you for your kind comment . . . Right back at ya kid! Ciao!!