Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dem Saints . . .

Who dat???!!!

God LOVES New Orleans . . .

OK, that's hyperbole . . .

But, who CAN'T love the Saints?!

I've been an athlete, a player, a coach . . . I can't tell you how HARD it is to win a championship . . .

I never did win a championship as a player, but did win some as a coach . . .

When I won a championship, the feeling was NEVER joy . . . joy came later . . .

The dominant emotion was relief . . . RELIEF . . . Anyone who has ever coached at a very high competitive level gets that . . .

My hat is off to the Saints . . . And, to N'Orleans!!!

Until next time . . . Ciao!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Poor me? Not a chance!!

Sitting here in Fla, where the storm has hit and passed through . . .

The day was wild, with lightning, rain, tornadoes, and heavy wind . . .

Life hasn't been easy lately . . . Is it ever?

No question we are challenged over and over, and this is a time of challenge for me . . . Putting up with some people who are full of self-pity . . . People who see the negative in everything, and aren't happy unless worrying about something . . .

I have no time for self-pity, and no time for "poor me" . . . Gratitude will take us a LONG way, and make everything feel a little easier, a little more in-the-flow . . .

We are what we think!! So, let's think beautiful thoughts!!

Until next time . . . Ciao!!