Sunday, July 26, 2009

Existing is not EXPERIENCING!! III

Human beings have choices in life . . . One of the most profound choices we can make literally every second of our existence is, WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH THIS MOMENT? Shall we fully EXPERIENCE the moment . . . or shall we make the moment mundane and be distracted by thoughts of past or future?

There is a best answer to that question, and it's rather obvious . . . However, another question can be asked, and that is, How can we train ourselves to fully experience the moment within our ability to perceive through the five senses?

This is a terrific centering exercise, and it's great practice for being AWARE and ALIVE in the moment . . .

Suppose we allot five minutes to this exercise, one minute dedicated to each of the five senses . . .

Let's start by closing the eyes and focusing entirely upon what we hear . . . There are no thoughts, there is only awareness . . . no judgements . . . There is no good or bad . . . Do this for one minute . . .

Eyes closed, and focus on taste . . . What are we tasting in this moment? No thoughts or judgements . . . One minute . . .

Eyes closed, and focus on smell . . . One minute . . .

Eyes closed, and focus on touch/sensation . . . This one is VERY interesting, as it can be external, or it can be internal . . . Touch/sensation is our most important sense, as it keeps us in touch with the physical body, but can sometimes take us beyond that . . . One minute . . .

Finally, open the eyes and for one minute, simply look around the surroundings, and make no judgements . . . Simply see what IS . . .

This exercise is about BEING and mindful centering . . . no thoughts or judgements . . . Just slide into it, and EXPERIENCE and BE . . .

Of course, we can shorten the times . . . It doesn't have to be one minute per sense! It can be ten seconds if we wish . . .

I hope you'll try it, and practice it a few times daily . . . This exercise has remarkable spin off effects, which we'll discuss later . . .

Until nest time . . . Ciao!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent directions for being present! Thank you. :-)