Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When Bad Stuff Happens . . .

What's that thing we often hear about death and taxes? Well, we could include unpleasant events as well among the things that are inevitable in life . . . Yes, bad stuff DOES happen in all of our lives from time to time!

We have no control over many things . . . Unfortunately, this can leave us with a feeling of helplessness when faced with these events that we don't control . . . However, we do have some control when it comes to how we deal with these events, and life in general!

Our inner sense of joy and peace need not be controlled by external events, but can be a constant within our reality, an immovable rock at our core . . . When unpleasantness occurs, we can rely on this to carry us though the storm! It can help us to rise above what's happening in our lives, as this is the REAL us . . . The events in our lives are temporary, and always pass eventually . . .

It is important not to let our circumstances define us, and who we are . . . Which comes back to the thoughts we think and the beliefs we carry with us from moment to moment . . . Those thoughts and beliefs allow us to rise above the problems and travails which life imposes upon us all occasionally!

Until next time . . . Ciao


Unknown said...

Beautifully written as always Warrior Brother! Thanks for keeping it real and inspiring us always and ... ROCK ON!

Snake said...

Thank you Brother Reyji . . . I think of you OFTEN and hope you're well and still on the path!!

Peace and love . . .