Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bipolarity . . .

I can speak from experience on this .  .  .  Believe me, on this topic I have a Ph.D .  .  .  :)

The topic is, the spiritual path and its challenges .  .  .  

You must understand that I've been on this path for decades .  .  .  Yeah, I'm THAT old .  .  .  LOL  But, no walker or cane yet .  .  .  Hell, I go to the gym everyday and lift as heavy as I did three decades ago .  .  .  And, I'm a lot smarter about it now, so I avoid injury .  .  .  With age comes at least a little wisdom, right?  lol

Anyone who goes down the spiritual rabbit hole with no fear will never be disappointed .  .  .  The rewards are endless .  .  .  But, and pardon my English, it ain't always easy .  .  .

The spiritual path is exhilarating .  .  .  Truly, it is, and there's NOTHING like it .  .  .  But, our old worldly habits continually pull us back, or try to .  .  .  It's so easy to slip back into the old behaviors, many of which are self-defeating and spiritually destructive .  .  .  That's the bipolarity .  .  .  If you've read The Teachings of Don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, you'll know the concept of the Spiritual Warrior .  .  .  In the words of Don Juan, there is only the Path, and it takes a warrior's discipline to maintain it .  .  . 

I consider myself a Spiritual Warrior .  .  .  Everyday there are struggles .  .  .  And you know, there's not a doubt in my mind that it's ALL worth it .  .  .  I've been challenged in so many ways so often .  .  .  Even today, and again tomorrow .  .  .  

Life is beautiful baby!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!! 


Sandra said...

I consider you a spiritual warrior as well, and aspire to your level of consciousnesss.
However the voices in my head are not cooperative enough to allow me that kind of serenity.
And let's be honest, I'm not sure I want that serenity.
To truly be in touch with your soul is scary.
I'll wait until I have as many decades under my belt as you do....teasing!!!

Snake said...

Wow! Someone finally commented on this post . . . lol It isn't scary once you get there . . . It's more the fear of the unknown . . . You saying I'm old Sandra? :) Thanks for the comment! Ciao