Friday, July 24, 2009

Existing is not EXPERIENCING!! II

Yes, well . . . If we want to fully experience the moment, and all those other moments which follow, how exactly can we make that happen? How do we move away from the monkey mind of endless, unproductive thoughts that swirl around in our consciousness and perhaps drag us into negative mindsets?

We are given five senses . . . touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight . . . Those are the doors to our consciousness that connect us to the physical world around us . . . We can focus on and make use of those senses to experience the moment . . . This is mindfulness . . .

Simply try this . . . For one minute, stop all thinking and simply become aware of your physical surroundings with the five senses, and make no judgements about what you feel, smell, taste, hear, and see . . . Just experience your surroundings through your senses . . . If we do that a few times a day, for one minute only each time, we will begin to get into the habit of just BEING, and it's a way of connecting with our center, our core, our true self . . . JUST BE!!

We can take it a step further . . . Let's face it, chores can be tedious, but we also can turn them into exercises in mindfulness . . . For example, if I'm washing dishes, I can turn off my thoughts and use my five senses to truly experience the moment . . . How does the water feel on my hands? How have the soap bubbles formed on the water? Is there an odour to the soap? What sounds am I hearing? If we just stop thinking and become aware and mindful, a whole new vista of experiencing becomes available to us, and we can can make ourselves available to a higher existence of being completely present in the moment in which we live, which is all we have . . .

In the next blog, we'll look at a simple but very effective mindfulness exercise that can really make a difference . . .

Until next time . . . Ciao!!


Anonymous said...

It's good to read you again. Welcome back. :-)

Snake said...

Thanks V!!