Thursday, August 27, 2009

Strength II

There are many misconceptions about strength, and many ways to view it . . . Of course there's the physical aspect, which might be somewhat related to health . . . Psychological and emotional strength are also important . . . But, if we were to consider one type of strength that comprehends the whole, it would be SPIRITUAL strength . . .

Developing spiritual strength has such an overriding effect upon everything else . . . It changes our vibration, our thinking, our actions, our relationships, our ability to see through the BS, our health, our peace of mind . . . Literally, if affects EVERYTHING!!

In order to develop true spiritual strength, a disciplined approach is necessary . . . Daily effort is needed to make progress . . . Establishing a meditation practice can be trying for some, as it takes time and the benefits aren't always immediately obvious (but they will be over time, if we give it enough time!) . . . Giving up those things that influence us negatively, and work against our progress, may be difficult, because they've beome so habituated within us . . . Recognizing negative thinking patterns and replacing them with positive, life enhancing beliefs can seem like a constant battle at first . . .

However, for those who decide to go down the road to true strength, and make it a lifelong journey, there really is nothing more worthwhile! It's a path for which there is no substitute . . . Nothing else like it exists . . . It is TRUTH, and it enriches every aspect of life!

More on this later . . .

Until next time . . . Ciao!

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