Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Yes Dear Reader, there is a way to cultivate personal strength, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with going to the gym and pumping iron, or running a marathon, or taking an assertiveness class . . .

Strength is what we develop as we become more spiritual in nature, as we make contact with what we truly are, that being a spiritual entity first and foremost . . . It all begins with a sincere desire to make the leap to this level of awareness, and then the efforts we put into the discipline in order to make it happen . . .

First, a meditative practice is necessary to learn to still the mind, and quiet the thinking process which seems to sabotage our best efforts at times . . . And it isn't so much the thinking, but WHAT we are thinking! If we have negative thoughts about ourselves and others, we are promoting our own weakness . . .

By quieting the mind in meditation, we are free to feel what we truly are . . . spiritual energy! This is the energy of STRENGTH! Our ability to feel and be this energy consciously becomes easier over time . . . it is a gift from the Gods! We can be conscious of it at all times, and use it to simply stop and centre ourselves in the true reality of our spiritual being . . . This is STRENGTH!

It isn't complicated, but it does require discipline to stay on this path, especially if we've struggled with negative self-talk, or if we are easily swayed by the negative influences and messages we are bombarded with everyday in society . . . But no matter what our situation, we can use that as our starting point and make progress everyday! It isn't so much where we start, but where we finish that really counts . . . As Lao-Tsu very wisely said, the ten thousand mile journey starts as a single step! It is so true and applies to anything we understake . . .

Learn to develop true strength . . . begin with meditation and being the spiritual energy we all ARE! We only have to learn to access it . . .

More on this later . . .

Until next time . . . Ciao!!

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