Sunday, January 17, 2010

A good life . . .

I have so many terrific friends, and I often wonder . . .

When they're alone, with their own thoughts, what are they feeling? What are they THINKING?

I don't profess to be able to climb into another's mind . . . I can only imagine, and maybe, once in a while, I'll hit the nail squarely . . .

Are they living a good life? Then the question arises . . . Is it a good life, or not, based upon my opinion, or theirs?

Well then, here are six condensed points, which at least for me, provide a good life . . .

One . . . Wish only the best for all beings . . .

Two . . . Ask for that which will help us fulfill our purpose in this life . . .

Three . . . Express gratitude always . . .

Four . . . Think beautiful thoughts . . . Beautiful thoughts create harmony . . . WE ARE WHAT WE THINK!

Five . . . Do good works/be of service, expecting nothing in return . . . This also creates harmony . . . We can't create too much HARMONY in this world!

Six . . . Understand that the Universe speaks to us in many ways, at many times, in its own way . . . Patience is a virtue . . . Events unfold as they will, in their own time, and WE are the star of the show . . . And, for the most part, we write our OWN dialogue . . . So, start writing!!

Until next time . . . Ciao!!

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