Monday, November 22, 2010

Gratitude . . .

Thoughts .  .  .  Emotions .  .  .  Actions .  .  .

The endless cycle, repeating over and over .  .  .

Where are we?  Where have we come from?  Where are we going?

Endless questions with or without answers .  .  .

How do we exist, in the present moment, and the next, and the next, and the next?

We exist with our thoughts, emotions, and actions/behaviours .  .  .

If our predominate thoughts are of GRATITUDE, it leads to emotions of GRATITUDE, and then actions which are giving and charitable .  .  .

What is Thanksgiving about? 

Think about it .  .  .

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .   Ciao!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Going Within II

In the entry entitled "Going Within", we were left with this . . .

"Some questions are . . . How do we tap into this Divine Energy within? How do we transform ourselves by finding it, using it, and ultimately, how does our own transformation affect our little piece of the Universe, and those in it? Fodder for another blog . . . "

This is that blog . . . Let us backtrack a bit and be mindful that we find the Macrocosm/God within us . . . Yes, it does exist around and "outside" us, and in fact everywhere in the Universe, and in EVERYTHING in the Universe . . . But first and foremost, we must experience it WITHIN ourselves . . .

The only way to go within to find and experience the Macrocosm is through meditation . . .

As we go into the meditative state of calming the mind and releasing thoughts, we go to a higher state of consciousness which is awareness . . . In awareness we are non-judgemental, and existing in a "pure" state of being . . . It is in this awareness that we can become cognizant of the energy body . . .

All things vibrate with energy, be they living or non-living . . . At the quantum level of existence, there is ONLY energy . . . For clarification, the quantum level is that which exists in a space of a millionth of a billionth of the billionth of a billionth of a meter . . . Small by any standard!! At that level there is no matter, there is no living or non-living, there is no time, and there is incredible chaos . . . Out of that chaos somehow manifests the physical environment we call the Universe, with its solids, liquids, gases, measurable energies, dark matter, dark energy and so on . . .

Back to meditation! As we engage awareness through meditation, the energy body can be discerned . . . This is the energy of the Macrocosmic/God force, and it can be felt! Without getting into detail about Chi, or Shakti kundalini, this energy can be felt as a stirring somewhere in the body . . . Or, it may be a tingling or vibration that perhaps is very subtle, but still present . . .

When we become aware of this energy, we need to also understand that it permeates our entire being . . . it may be felt first in the abdominal area, or the chest area, or head area . . . Once we find it, and recognize what it feels like, we can become aware of it in all other areas! It is as present in the hands and feet as it is anywhere else . . . In fact, the energy body extents beyond the limits of our physical being, and is extremely expansive . . .

Our connection with the Macrocosm/God IS the energy body!! We each have an energy body, and the energy we share is identical . . . This is the energy of God and Creation, and it is Universal . . . As we become more and more aware of the energy body, and recognize its universal nature, we MUST also understand that at that level, we are all ONE!! We share the same energy, but manifest that energy in different physical form . . . It's like saying a knife and a fork and a spoon may appear different, but they are all made from the same stainless steel . . . So in that sense, they are the same! At their most basic level of existence, they are identical . . .
Taking this a step further . . . Having acknowledged our ONENESS and connection through the energy body, which we all share, we can begin to perceive other beings differently . . . We can begin to see ourselves in them, and they in us . . . In fact, we might even see no difference between us and them, because of our deep growing awareness that we ARE them and they ARE us!

This has profound effects upon how we treat each other . . . How can Michael mistreat Richard or Karen if Michael sees the same divinity in Richard and Karen as he recognizes in himself? Michael becomes more generous, more compassionate, more loving toward them as a result . . . Imagine living amongst a group of human beings who are capable of functioning on this level?

However, we CAN'T control what others do, nor should we want to control others . . . Our entire responsibility revolves around self-transformation, which is the ONLY thing we should aspire to control . . . We are each responsible for our own transformation, and through that transformation we will create positive vibrations through our thought and actions, which will have transformative effects throughout the Universe, and on those human beings we come into contact with, even if only briefly . . .

So my friends, go within and experience awareness, sense the energy body, let the awareness of it grow and blossom, and accept the DIVINITY of all beings! This is at the heart of self-transformation, the only thing we can truly control . . .
Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time . . . Ciao!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Going Within . . .

The Macrocosm is God .  .  .  And, we have God around us and within us . . .  There is divinity in us all .  .  .  For many, these are words that ring a bell on an intellectual level only .  .  . 

Yes, of course we can understand that God is "out there" . . . Isn't that exactly what we learn in Western society from the time we begin to comprehend? We are taught to seek, seek, seek God as an external influence . . .

The philosophies and religions from the East teach us, however, that we should first seek WITHIN . . . to go within and quiet the mind, and begin to experience the Divine within ourselves . . . God as US, God as ME, and God as YOU . . .

This is the genesis of our Macroscosmic existence . . . Our existence whereby we can experience God as a very real, intrinsic entity . . . An existence where we see life as a flow of divinity through us and around us . . . a Divine Energy that exists "out there", but just as importantly, "IN me" . . . It's all ONE, and we are each of us connected to it at the deepest level .  .  .

Some questions are . . . How do we tap into this Divine Energy within? How do we transform ourselves by finding it, using it, and ultimately, how does our own transformation affect our little piece of the Universe, and those within it?

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time . . . Ciao!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Angels . . .

There ARE angels among us .  .  .

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!   

The Giants . . .

I'm old enough to remember 1962 .  .  .  I was just beginning my Little League baseball career .  .  .

Giants vs. Yankees in the World Series .  .  .  Seven games, and I was devastated when the Giants lost in the seventh at Candlestick .  .  .  It was the end of the great Yankee era under Casey Stengel .  .  .  Casey would soon be long gone, and the Yankees didn't win anything until fifteen years later under George Steinbrenner as owner .  .  .

Congrats to the Giants .  .  .  They have pitching up the yin-yang, and shut down a VERY good Texas Rangers team .  .  .

Too bad the Giants didn't have the chance to expunge the demons of '62 by beating the Yankees .  .  .  But, the Rangers destroyed the Yankees and the Giants beat the Rangers .  .  .  So it all works out .  .  .

LOVE the Giants .  .  .

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!