Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Giants . . .

I'm old enough to remember 1962 .  .  .  I was just beginning my Little League baseball career .  .  .

Giants vs. Yankees in the World Series .  .  .  Seven games, and I was devastated when the Giants lost in the seventh at Candlestick .  .  .  It was the end of the great Yankee era under Casey Stengel .  .  .  Casey would soon be long gone, and the Yankees didn't win anything until fifteen years later under George Steinbrenner as owner .  .  .

Congrats to the Giants .  .  .  They have pitching up the yin-yang, and shut down a VERY good Texas Rangers team .  .  .

Too bad the Giants didn't have the chance to expunge the demons of '62 by beating the Yankees .  .  .  But, the Rangers destroyed the Yankees and the Giants beat the Rangers .  .  .  So it all works out .  .  .

LOVE the Giants .  .  .

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!

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