Saturday, October 23, 2010

In love with the Universe . . .

I know what I want to say, but am struggling with how to begin .  .  . 

Perhaps, the beginning is just that .  .  .  the beginning .  .  .  Just say something!  And go from there .  .  . 

We live, we exist, we experience .  .  .

And in that existence and experience, there are questions, statements, and conclusions .  .  .  Some accurate, some not .  .  .

Let's take a deep breath, and hold .  .  .  and hold .  .  .  and hold .  .  .

Within that breath, is the Truth .  .  . 

As the Universe breathes life into us, we are created as Divine .  .  .  We have so much difficulty understanding that .  .  .

Light .  .  .  Spirit .  .  .  Body .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!! 

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