Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Know what pisses me off?

People who are all about negativity .  .  . I don't get that . . .  I don't enjoy that . . .  I don't like that . . .  Nor do I tolerate that . . .  I simply walk away from those people . . .

Yeah, I'm a happy, a positive person .  .  .

Had a chat with a dear friend whose wife had surgery recently . . .  It's cancer . . .

And we talked about . . . Why do we not value the moment until we have a traumatic experience?  Is there something about the human being that prevents us from enjoying the moment?  Until .  .  .  We are smacked in the face?

So, my message is this . . .

Enjoy and treasure the moment . . .  And if you do, you're one of the point zero zero zero one percent .  .  . 

Life is beautiful baby!!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!

1 comment:

Max said...

No doubt, negative people are an energy drain.

I think people assume that how things are now is the way they'll always be. It's so easy to take things for granted. Sadly, it does seem to take losing something (or being threatened with its loss) to make us appreciate it.

Nice post.