Monday, November 12, 2012

It's rockin' . . .

Pythagorus?  Euclid?

Does anyone know who they REALLY are?  lol

Doesn't matter . . .

Be consciously grateful . . .

Always GRATEFUL . . .

I'm tired of those who are full of self-pity . . .  Full of morose crap . . .  Poor me . . .  My life is so shitty . . .

Know what?  If that's you, do what my grandmother suggested . . .  Get out there and do something positive for someone . . .  Their gratitude will elevate you . . .

Gratitude . . . I'm bursting with it!  My life isn't perfect, and never will be . . .  Whose is?  But people would line up for my life, and probably yours too . . .  And if you don't think they would, take another look . . .

Think of Gabby Giffords!!

Peace and love . . .

Life is beautiful!!


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