Saturday, January 1, 2011

Off to a rockin' start . . .

How long does it take to get a bead on the New Year?  A week, two weeks, a month?  What?  Well, I've been up for three hours and so far, so good .  .  .  My resolutions are solidly in place .  .  .  More HtwoO in 2011?  Two big glasses already .  .  .  More stretching?  Done .  .  .  Of course, what human being isn't able to maintain two resolutions for three hours?  But, I'm committed to this, and really, if I can't make these two simple, boring resolutions work, then it's pretty sad .  .  .  

I've read a few blogs people have written about resolutions .  .  .  Some are inspiring .  .  .  Some are humorous .  .  .  And some make me think, Good luck to you!  But you don't have a chance of doing all that in 2011 .  .  .  Not by a long shot!  Why?  Too many things on the list .  .  .  A person can only multi-task so many resolutions at a time .  .  .  My thinking is, two is about it at any one time .  .  .  Then, once those are in place, move on to something else .  .  .  But if we try to make ten changes from day one, the average person is doomed to fail .  .  . It's OK to have ten, but spread 'em out over the year .  .  .  That's 365 days to get it done .  .  .  Or most of it done .  .  .   It's a marathon, not the 100 m dash .  .  .

Not a doubt in my mind, 2011 is going to be a terrific year!  Why?  Because I choose to make it so .  .  .  We ALL have that power, and it starts with thoughts .  .  .  THOUGHTS .  .  .  Negativity starts with thoughts .  .  .  Everything starts with thoughts .  .  .  Getting back to resolutions, people tend to focus on behaviors .  .  .  The problem is, behaviors don't occur in isolation .  .  .  Behaviors come from emotions and thoughts, but it all starts with thoughts .  .  .  Want to change a behavior, or a habit?  Look at the thoughts driving it, and that's where the work has to be done .  .  .  Take control of thoughts, and the rest comes easy .  .  .

OK, it's 11 am on January 1st, 2011 .  .  .  And this song is going through my head from out of nowhere .  .  .  Is that significant?  Is this an omen of what 2011 is going to bring my way?  Hah!  Somewhere in this song is a metaphor .  .  .  So here it is .  .  .  Nothing like a little redneck rock to start the year .  .  .  And ya gotta love the use of chainsaw-as-musical instrument creativity!

Life is beautiful baby!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!

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