Thursday, December 23, 2010

L'air III

Well then, this entry was not in the cards earlier today .  .  .  As a matter of fact, I had no intention of writing anything until next week .  .  . 

For those keeping track, I've dedicated two entries to my great friend L'air, who was given as little as two days to live in early November .  .  .  I go to see L'air regularly, and he's making great progress .  .  .  He isn't ready to go home anytime soon, and there are still some serious issues, but .  .  .  He's alive to see another Christmas, which was the longest of long shots seven weeks ago .  .  .

This is real life .  .  .  Real life and death .  .  . 

I saw L'air this morning, and was blown away by the progress he's made since Sunday .  .  .  Definitely a terrific Christmas present for friends and family .  .  .  Christmas, to me, is as much about rebirth as anything else .  .  .  Rebirth can have many connotations .  .  .  In this case, it's a rebirth for L'air, even if he passes next week .  .  .  I'm not a Buddhist per se, but I do wholeheartedly subscribe to this .  .  .  We die daily, and are reborn daily .  .  .  L'air has been reborn, and so have others who are close to him and have witnessed what might, in all honesty, be described as a miracle .  .  .

Fast forward to a couple of hours ago .  .  .  I was at the gym (a cardio day), and I couldn't stop thinking about L'air .  .  .  When I think of him and what he's overcome, I can't help but feel a sense of awe, and people need to hear the story .  .  .

I'm going to throw this out there as well .  .  .  I believe in distance healing, and so does L'air .  .  .  And, I have some friends who are pretty well connected to the Universe, and we've been doing our best to help things along .  .  .  If someone thinks that's crap, well, I'll just say, your view of the true reality doesn't mesh with mine .  .  .  And that's OK, because there are levels of reality and consciousness, and we all understand them differently .  .  .

So my friends, L'air has survived, and based upon that, we should all understand that there is always hope!!

Life is beautiful baby!!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!   

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