Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Law and Order . . . Texas Style!

First, let me make two things very clear .  .  .  One, I'm as much in favor of law and order as the next guy .  .  .  And two, I've been to Texas a few times and have always enjoyed it .  .  .  I have nothing whatsoever against Texas .  .  .  But, this story falls into the category of, What on earth were they thinking?!  This is hard ass, if I've ever seen hard ass .  .  .  

Take a look at this, and if you don't agree it's hard ass, then you and I just don't perceive reality quite the same way .  .  .  Maybe they could use a little more peace and love in Baytown, Texas .  .  .

I mean, seriously .  .  .  Putting someone in jail because of library books?  Ouch!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!

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