Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To resolve or not to resolve . . .

Tis the season for those annual resolutions .  .  .  I'll be completely honest .  .  .  I've never in my life made a New Year's resolution .  .  .  Not one, not ever .  .  .  Maybe that should change, so this time around I'm going to make just ONE .  .  .  Yeah, start small, and make it something where I'm guaranteed to keep it past January 3rd .  .  .

I was at the gym yesterday, and two people I chatted with brought up the whole resolution thing .  .  .  They were both quite set on giving up some "vices" .  .  .   Interesting that both used that word .  .  .   Vices .  .  .  Which made me think about MY vices .  .  .  Honestly, I have no desire to give them up .  .  .  I quite like them, and am quite attached to them .  .  .  So, I'll be more than happy to keep them for another year .  .  .  Life is beautiful baby!  And honestly, if a person's life is completely devoid of vices, doesn't that sound like a boring existence?

So, my one NYR going into 2011 is simple and boring, but highly achievable .  .  .  Virtually guaranteed to meet with 100% success .  .  .  Here it is .  .  .  I'm going to drink more water .  .  .  That's it and that's all .  .  .  Consume more HtwoO .  .  .  Eight twelve ounce glasses per day .  .  .  I know I have your moral support in making this work!   I can feel the good vibes coming my way .  .  .  

And now, what are YOUR resolutions?  Good luck with 'em, and remember, the fewer we have, the greater the chance of success .  .  .  

Life is beautiful baby!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!! 

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