Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Things that amazed me in 2010 . . .

Every year is full of surprises .  .  .  My list of amazing things, Snake-style .  .  .

1.  The stock market rally . . .  Who would have thought?

2.  How effective workout supplements can be .  .  .  Last December, I felt like I'd hit a wall in working out . . .  Couldn't get through it, over it, around it, under it .  .  .  So, Superpump 250 to the rescue .  .  .  and Cell Mass, and NO-XPLODE, and Pre-Surge Unleashed, and Plasma Jet .  .  .  Of course, not all at the same time!  But yes, they DO work, and they're all perfectly legal .  .  .  Nothing in that list is injectable .  .  .

3.  The exhorbitant price of supplements in Canada .  .  .  So, I buy everything online from an American outfit .  .  .  Ridiculously low cost compared to Canada .  .  . 

4.  How cold is can be in Fla in February .  .  .  I nearly froze at times .  .  .  The natives were driven to the edge of despair by the "Canadian" air .  .  .  Honestly, during the Olympics in Vancouver, it was warmer there than in St. Petersburg on occasion .  .  .  That isn't supposed to happen!  It can't have been that bad though, because I'm going back soon .  .  . 

5.  How much I've grown to love Southern Butternut Pecan coffee creme .  .  .  Hazelnut is a close second .  .  .   

6.  How addicting blogging can be at times .  .  .

7.  How unbelievably powerful the Spirits are at Bannock Point Petroforms .  .  .

8.  Did the Montreal Canadiens REALLY knock off the Caps and Penguins back to back in the spring?  Was I dreaming that?  Yes they did, and no I wasn't .  .  .  Les Canadiens sont la!!

9.  The Canada-USA final in Vancouver .  .  .  I watched the OT surrounded by Yanks chanting U-S-A who were really into it .  .  . So, I kept it a bit subdued when the good guys scored .  .  .  What a game it was!  The perfect way to cap off two great weeks in Vancouver .  .  .

10.  How incredibly frustrating it was to watch Olympic coverage only on NBC .  .  .  There's no TSN in Fla .  .  .  At one point, I threw a shoe at the television .  .  .  Quite unlike me for the most part .  .  .

11.  The power of the Tibetan singing bowl .  .  .

12.  How old-school I can be .  .  .  Don't have a cell phone .  .  .  Not on Facebook .  .  .  However, I might need to get a cell phone in '11, and all my friends who are on FB are constantly at me to take the plunge .  .  .  My reply?  Too many people from my past are trying to track me down .  .  .  I can't chance it!  Hah!! 

13.  That I've come to enjoy reading other peoples' blogs religiously .  .  .  There is some incredibly good stuff in Blogland, and I'm always on the prowl for new blogs that will entertain, enlighten, inspire .  .  .  My favorite blog may be the one I haven't yet found .  .  .         

I'm going to stop there, because for me, thirteen is a lucky number .  .  .

Life is beautiful (and amazing) baby!

Peace and love .  .  .

Until next time .  .  .  Ciao!!

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