Sunday, December 5, 2010

We are each a jewel . . .

Yes were ARE, . . . a jewel that shines and has the potential to provide light for others, and perhaps show them their own lustrous quality, if they are capable of seeing it . . .

The jewel that we are is representative of our Godliness, our energy which is our life force, the vibration of consciousness which exists at the core of our being . . .  in ALL of us!!

When we realize our true nature, we undergo a transformational experience, which may be sudden or perhaps gradual . . . A true understanding of our Macrocosmic nature is nothing more and nothing less than the understanding of WHO and WHAT we are . . . And we become light, exhibiting compassion, empathy, love, kindness, generosity, and so on . . .

We cannot control, and should not seek to control others . . . We all have our Journey, and through that Journey we are destined to learn important lessons about life and existence, about ourselves, and about our connection with something higher, but which we are a part of . . . My lessons are not necessarily your lessons, and I should never assume that I need to impose my lessons upon others . . . However, others may ask advice about this or that and at that point, I can share my experiences and insights, but not in a way that says, You MUST do X, Y or Z! Advice should be shared in a loving, compassionate manner which doesn't come across as preaching . . . We should always remember one thing, and that is that we ALL want to be HAPPY!  And, each persons Journey is equally sacred .  .  .

By realizing and living our own jewel-like existence, we send out a positive, life-enhancing vibration into the Universe and the light of that existence shines on all who come into contact with us . . . Some will see it, and some might be blind to it . . . However, the light is there, it has a profound effect, and we should never forget that . . .

Life is beautiful Baby!

Until next time . . . Ciao!!


Meagan said...

As usual providing a positive light from within. Allowing our minds the permission to dare to do inside what we know that already exist. Sometimes you just need a quick swift in the ass to get it moving!


Snake said...

We have lived there, and experienced it, and yet have never known it until a spark . . . Then it plays out before the eyes of the soul . . . Thank you Meagan for this comment! Ciao baby :)